Why Salesforce is Right for Precoa

After decades of honing their product, building marketing and sales capabilities, and just being good people, Precoa knows the importance of laying solid groundwork for the future.

This decade, Precoa has turned their craftsmanship inward and are working to cement their IT and business processes.


Like many companies, the goal in implementing business processes on Salesforce started with the 99.9% uptime guarantee, the ability to access the system from anywhere anytime, the security of running data through a trusted cloud, and the flexibility of the platform.


Now that Precoa is working on their forever CRM, the team can identify, implement, and iterate through operation efficiencies faster than ever before. This change represents a foundational shift and sets Precoa up to navigate change successfully for years to come. Artichoke is excited to be working with Precoa on this foundational shift.


The next posts in the Precoa client blog series will focus on the Artichoke implementation process and a parallel change—assembling the team to work with these exciting technology changes.

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Artichoke pairs top technical expertise with a people-first project management style to ensure your implementation moves the business forward.